Preparing Your House to Sell

Preparing Your House to Sell


Preparing your home to list for sale on the market can be a daunting task, but it’s essential for maximizing its appeal and attracting potential buyers. In this article, we’ll quickly explore three key steps that can significantly impact the success of your sale: making a memorable first impression, addressing blemishes and defects, and staging to highlight your home’s best features. By investing time and effort into these areas, you can help ensure that your property stands out in a competitive market. Let’s dive in and discover how to showcase your home in its best light!

First Impressions

The first 3-5 minutes a potential buyer enters your home are critical.  People’s attention spans can be limited, especially when viewing multiple properties in a short timeframe. Capturing their attention and interest early on helps keep them engaged throughout the showing and influence an emotional connection to the space. By making sure the property presents well from the moment someone walks in, you increase the likelihood of a successful sale.

Fix Blemishes & Defects

Most sellers spend around 20% of their time fixing broken and defective items. It’s a highly beneficial step in preparing a home for the market and increasing the appeal to buyers. You should be on the lookout for any minor issues like leaky faucets, squeaky doors, or chipped paint. These small details can negatively affect a buyer’s perception of the overall maintenance and value of the property. By making such updates you can strengthen your negotiating position, as buyers may be less inclined to request price reductions or concessions for repairs. It can also minimize the likelihood of surprises during the inspection process and avoid potential delays or complications in closing the sale.

Staging (Depersonalize & Declutter)

Typically sellers then spend the other 80% of their time cleaning and staging the home. A well-presented home is more marketable for online listings and stands out among competing properties. The two most critical tasks when staging each room is depersonalizing and decluttering, as personal items and clutter are awfully distracting for potential buyers. Removing personal items such as family photos and religious decor allows buyers to envision themselves living in the space. Decluttering creates a sense of spaciousness while showcasing the home’s best features and layout, emphasizing its potential and functionality. Something as simple as opening curtains and blinds to accentuate natural light as a selling point can make a difference; or ensuring your home is at a comfortable temperature so it’s refreshing on a hot day or cozy on a cold day. Don’t be afraid to consider professional cleaning, decluttering, or staging services if needed!


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